
Chokio-Alberta Schools Statement of Academic Policy:
It is the policy of the Chokio-Alberta School District to provide an education for its students that meets and exceeds all requirements of the Minnesota Department of Education, which allows for students to enter the work field upon graduation if the so desire, and which meets and exceeds the requirements or admission to post-high school educational institutions. In order to implement this policy, it is necessary that there be coordination among the educators within the elementary school and the high school, and there must be cooperation among students, parents, and educators within the district. There must also be certain rules, regulations and educational criteria established and enforced.
Our Teachers Discuss Academic Success at Chokio-Alberta Schools…
After many years of teaching, I have learned many things about academic success in the classroom. First and foremost, I believe academic success should not and cannot only be judged by a student’s grades. As a 1st grade teacher, I see academic success in my students on a daily basis. When my students have aha moments, I see that as academic success. Another example of academic success is when they get so excited during a lesson and they all participate in classroom discussion. Academic success can also be seen in first grade when you are challenging students and they become so determined to learn more than what they already know. I feel that when students are motivated to learn by their own curiosity, they perform better academically. Chokio-Alberta School is truly a hidden gem on the prairie. We are offering a private school education at the public-school price. Our small numbers allow teachers to get to know the strengths and weaknesses of each of our students. Throughout the school year our classrooms become our work families. The teachers at C-A dedicate their days to helping and teaching these students not only academics but also life skills. I feel so lucky and blessed to be a staff member at Chokio-Alberta School.
—Maggie deNeui, 1st Grade Teacher
Student success looks different for each and every student. At Chokio-Alberta Schools, we strive to find what works for each student. When success is hindered in a larger group setting, we meet their needs individually. WIth our small class sizes, learning styles are always taken into consideration. One of my favorite ways to encourage learning is through music. There is something so rewarding and joyful about using music to teach everyday concepts. Students are also taught to recognize and focus on their strengths rather than their weaknesses. Useful tips and tricks are practiced until mastery is met. I have enjoyed teaching at Chokio-Alberta for over 25 years! Each day there is a new reason to celebrate the success of our wonderful, hard working students!
–Darcie Daugherty, ADSIS Intervention Teacher

My teaching philosophy has always been, “Every student has the ability to learn something everyday.” I truly believe whether a student is learning to physically hold their head up, multiply fractions or use the correct grammar in their writing, they are able to learn. The best part of my job is figuring out how to teach each student to reach them where they are at. No student is the same and it’s important to reach every student in a way they learn best. The reward is that “Ah Ha,” moment that comes when they get it.
—Amanda Marty, 5th Grade Teacher
When it comes to Academic success, especially in my classroom, there are two major keys that I do my best to utilize each and every day. First I make sure that students see me as, for lack of a better term, human. They need to know that my door is always open. If you need to cry, walk in and cry. If you need to share a success, come in and share it! My students need to be able to connect with me in order to maintain any level of academic success. If there is no connection, there may be very limited success for some students. Secondly, I do my best to differentiate instruction to allow my students to learn in a multitude of formats. I try to incorporate a wide variety of teaching styles, projects, etc. to help my students learn. (Sometimes I throw the kids into the academic fire so to speak just to see what they are capable of in their learning.) When it comes to academic success there are many ideas, but for me, it is most important to make sure my kids always know that I am present no matter what, and I do my best to differentiate my instruction at all times so I can meet the students where they are.
— Adam Wiebe, High School English & Social Studies Teacher